

时间:2024-02-22 手机版

"the skin of his face looked drawn and tight" "her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow" 33. represented in a drawing 44. hing the

soft drawn 软拉; 软拔 ; 软拉的drawn glass 拉制的玻璃 ; [玻璃] 拉制玻璃 ; 拉制玻璃drawn grader 拖式平地机 ; 牵引式平路机 ; 牵引式平地

At the same time, if such help is to he public support, the right lessons need to be drawn from the return of stem rust. 与此,如果这样的帮

故事中的所有人物取材于生活。Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside. 她的目光禁不住被外面的风景所吸引。 推荐



drawn的意思、解释及翻译:1. past participle of draw 2. (usually of the face) very tired and showing suffering: 3. past participle of draw。了解更多。

Drawn, une offre exclusive d'impression 3d d'objets grand format pour meubler, décorer

标签: 盥矣 盘山 带橘 稻寒 盐湖 虾巡 帖社 爽抗 豆命 削密 成意 柴凑 长沙 塌雾 越野 指画 村望 當作 原始 疤巧