

时间:2024-02-20 手机版

1) A bargaining chip中,to bargain即“讨价还价”,chip有“肯德基炸薯条”,“电脑芯片”,国际象棋中的“旗子”等含义,还有中的“筹码”“砝码”含义,a ba

每日一词【876】bargaining chips:筹码 今天我们要学的词是bargaining chips。 Bargaining chips, 是筹码的意思。The hostages were used as bargaining chips during


bargaining n. 讨价还价;交易;交涉 | v. 讨价还价 The owners made great fanfare of the concessions they had made to the players over months of barg

bargaining的意思、解释及翻译:discussions between people in order to reach agreement on something such as prices, wages, working conditions, etc.: 。了解

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