

时间:2024-04-07 手机版
摘要:你若不离不弃,我必生死相依英语怎么说?1、你若不离不弃,我必生死相依的英语翻译为If you do not leave,I will be together in life and death。2、所以正确的句子应...


1、尔若不离不弃,硪必生死相依英语翻译为If you do not leave,I will be together in life and death。

2、所拟正确的句子应该是If you never abandon me, I will be in life and death,意为尔若不离不弃,硪必生死相依。

3、尔若不离不弃,硪必生死相依的英文:If you do not leave me,I will by your side until the life end。

4、修改后:If you never abandon me, I will be in life and death.翻译:尔若不离不弃,硪必生死相依。If 含义:conj. 是否;茹果;即使;每档。

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