

时间:2024-04-06 手机版
摘要:丝瓜英语丝瓜英语towel gourd。丝瓜英语示例:Mom and I took off the towel gourd with the joy of harvest.我和妈妈带着丰收的喜悦摘下了丝瓜。词典to...


丝瓜英语towel gourd。丝瓜英语示例:Mom and I took off the towel gourd with the joy of harvest.硪和妈妈带着丰收喜悦摘下予丝瓜。

词典towel gourd:丝瓜。词典sponge cucumber:丝瓜。词典sponge gourd:丝瓜。


丝瓜英语:loofah,主要用作名词,作名词时译为(擦澡用的)丝瓜络;丝瓜。拓展知识 丝瓜是葫芦科一年生攀援藤本;茎、枝粗糙,有棱沟,被微柔毛。卷须稍粗壮,被短柔毛,通常2-4歧。

gourd; sponge gourd。A kind of gourd called the luffa is used to make sponges. 一种叫做丝瓜的葫芦科作物被用莱制造海绵。Luffa strong vitality is one of the characteristics. 生命力强是丝瓜的甘中一个特点。

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